Home Forums Software Development Python SDK with Tobii Eye Tracker 5

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  • #19329
    Thomas Wang

    I have recently just bought the Tobii Eye Tracker 5, and I was hoping to extract gaze data from the Eye Tracker 5 for some analysis.

    I am currently using a Python 3.6.8 environment with the tobii-research package installed, and while the Python environment is able to detect the presence of the Tobii Eye Tracker 5, it is unable to extract the gaze data from the Eye Tracker 5 into the Python environment.

    I would like to check whether this issue is caused by the Tobii Eye Tracker 5 itself, or that I have to purchase a specialized license in order to use the Python SDK to extract gaze data from the Eye Tracker 5.

    Please advise on the next course of action, and thank you for attending to my query.

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @thomaswang, I am afraid the Tobii Pro SDK is not compatible with the Tobii Eye Tracker 5.

    If you wish to develop interaction applications with this tracker, then we would forward you to both the Tobii Stream Engine API and Interaction Library which
    come with support for C# & C++ bindings.

    You can check out the getting started guide @ https://developer.tobii.com/consumer-eye-trackers/stream-engine/

    Check it out and let us know how you get on. Best Wishes.

    Thomas Wang

    Hi @grant-rogers,

    I create my applications within the Python environment, and I am not familiar with either C# or C++ languages. As such, I am not sure how to use the C# and C++ bindings to extract the gaze data from the Tobii Eye Tracker 5.

    Could you advise on the general course of action in order to read in the gaze data from the Tobii Eye Tracker 5 into the Python environment?

    Thank you.

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @thomaswang, unfortunately the only language bindings that are available for you to use with the ET5 are C,C#,C++ via the Stream Engine or Interaction Library API. In addition, the creation of a wrapper to gather data to pipe to another language is prohibited in end-user licence agreement.

    Looking online, there appears to be some flexibility use both languages in the same script as exemplified @ https://medium.com/better-programming/running-python-script-from-c-and-working-with-the-results-843e68d230e5

    Our apologies for the inconvenience, hopefully you can find a workaround suitable for your needs. Best Wishes.

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