Home Forums Feature Requests Reduced tracking/calibration area

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  • #13863

    I am currently using the tobii pro nano on a monitor much larger than the recommended (65 vs 19 inches). Despite that, I only need tracking on a small central area of the monitor. Unfortunately it is impossible to calibrate the device on the Eye Tracker Manager since the position of the tracking points is fixed and can’t be changed, putting them out of range of the eye tracker. I would like to suggest the possibility of modifying the tracking area manually on the same way that the manual monitor calibration allows to adjust a fake monitor size (albeit not an official feature), or adding the option of manually setting the position of the calibration dots, even at the cost of inaccuracies outside of the calibrated area.

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @rbretas and thanks for your query. The Tobii Nano is part of the Tobii Pro business department.

    This forum is intended for support with the Tobii Tech Consumer level eye trackers (4C, Eyex, etc) and their associated SDK’s.

    Please get in touch with Tobii Pro Support team directly @ http://www.tobiipro.com/contact/contact-support/ for an answer to your query.

    Apologies for the inconvenience and thanks for your understanding.


    Thank you very much for the information and I apologize for the mistake.
    I will contact Tobii Pro team about it.

    Grant [Tobii]

    no problem at all! Best of luck with your issue 🙂

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