Home Forums Eye Tracking Devices Refresh rate and detailed specifications of the Tobii REX

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  • #590
    John Low

    Hi all I would like more detailed information about the TObii REX like a specification sheet or something like that as information available online is only as follows:

    -Connection: USB 2.0 Cable
    -Operating distance (eye tracker to subject) 40 – 90 cm
    -Screen Size up to 27 inch
    -Mounting alternatives: Adhesive mounting brackets for monitors, laptops and tablets. Desk stand for tripod and desks.
    -Windows Operating Systems 7 and 8, both 32-bit and 64-bit.

    I would like to know specs like the refresh rate as the REX is physically similar to the Tobii X2 and the X2 has refresh rates of 30Hz and 60Hz.

    John Low

    Robert [Tobii]

    Hi John,

    There is no official specification sheet for the Tobii REX at the moment, but performance-wise it is similar to the X2-30 with a sample rate at about 30 Hz. The big difference is that the X2 units are made for analytics purposes, delivers a stable sample rate and is compatible with analysis tools like Tobii Studio and Tobii Analytics SDK.

    For interaction purposes in consumer computing, the user experience and a consumer-friendly price/form factor/power consumption is more important than a stable sample rate, so we do not believe that having a high, consistent sample rate is super important for eye trackers like Tobii REX and EyeX Controller. But of course it depends on your use case.

    John Low

    Alright Robert! Thank you very much for the information.


    Mark Grossman

    Are the EyeX Controller specs similar (“about 30Hz”)? What is the max latency approximately? (I gather for the TX300 it’s about 10ms). thanks

    Robert [Tobii]

    Hi Mark,

    The sample rate of the EyeX Controller is >55 Hz. I do not think we have any accurate measurement of the max latency, but it is obviously not as good as the TX300 🙂

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