Home Forums Software Development Reinstalling after Windows update

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    My (small) problem that i have with the Eyetracker 4C:
    After every update of Windows 10, the Eyetracker does not respond anymore.
    So i deinstall the Eyetracking_Core und than reinstall the “Tobii_Eye_Tracking_Core” again.
    After that, everything works fine…. till the next update of Windows.

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @mcdrake, sorry to hear about your troubles. Certainly with major updates of Windows 10, there can be several changes to system files that will require a reinstallation of Tobii Core Software but not for every minor update. I will pass along your comments to the development team if you would care to detail if possible which updates specifically over the duration were breaking Tobii working. In the meantime, glad to hear that at least you have the workaround but I understand the inconvenience. Best wishes.

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