Home Forums Software Development Replacing "LightlyFiltered"

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  • #2731

    Hello Tobii,
    I made a simple code for a moving average filter, the idea is to use it to create a filtered GazeDataStream.
    I was trying to find the code of the “LightlyFiltered” option but I wasn’t able.
    How can I replace the pre-installed filter?
    Or else, where is its code, so I can try to override it?

    Thanks for your attention,

    Jenny [Tobii]

    Hi Neeque,

    The gaze point data stream comes in two flavours from the EyeX Engine: lightly filtered and unfiltered. You choose between these by providing the corresponding gaze point data mode when you create the data stream instance. If you want unfiltered gaze data, you should create your gaze point data stream with the unfiltered mode.

    Here are examples in sample code:
    In EyeX SDK for .Net, see the MinimalGazeDataStream, Program.cs. There you would replace “GazePointDataMode.LightlyFiltered” with “GazePointDataMode.Unfiltered” to get the unfiltered stream.

    In EyeX SDK for C/C++, see the MinimalGazeDataStream, MinimalGazeDataStream.c. There you would replace “TX_GAZEPOINTDATAMODE_LIGHTLYFILTERED” with “TX_GAZEPOINTDATAMODE_UNFILTERED” to get the unfiltered stream.

    Dolores Joya

    Are there any other modes? Is this written in the documentation as well? I cannot find it.

    Jenny [Tobii]

    Hi Dolores,

    These two modes are the only modes currently available for the Gaze Point data stream. There is also a Fixation data stream with two modes: sensitive and slow. You can read about these in the Developer’s Guide in the “Behaviors for global interactors (Data streams)” section.

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