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    I have worked on my research with eye tracking in VR using Tobii XR SDK. However, I have just realized that I might need a research license for it does anyone have experience with this? I am really concerned since I have worked quite hard on this thesis and feel like the license would be hard or expensive to obtain? and how much would it cost? how long would I need to wait in order to get it?


    Just to be clear I already own a VIVE PRO EYE

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @tande, you are correct that if you are using the XR SDK in an academic setting then there are several licencing models that in your case would be the ‘research licence’

    You can apply for a quote and more information about this @ https://vr.tobii.com/sdk/licenses/

    Bear in mind however that if you use the HTC’s own SDK (https://developer-express.vive.com/resources/vive-sense/eye-and-facial-tracking-sdk/) then you are not obliged to follow our licencing model, so something to consider if budget is a problem.


    Dear Grant
    I have sent them an email however I would like to know should I expect it to be under 200$ or does it go higher?

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi Tande, I’m afraid sales question needs to be dealt with this team, thanks for your understanding.

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