Home Forums Community Projects Scotoma – interactive video installation

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  • #5766
    Alexander Voigt


    this is our interactive video installation, developed and realized with Tobii EyeX and Unity. We showed it first in Oct.2015 in Jena/Germany at the City Visions Jena Festival – http://city-visions.net/

    Tell us what you think,

    Jana & Alex

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @alexpanfx, sorry but video links are not permitted within the posts, but I see from your first link that the video is present there.

    Alexander Voigt

    Hello Grant,

    in my opening thread there was a youtube link in the first line, if you click on my name you can see my history of activities and the link is visible there. Could it be that the forum is very buggy or misconfigured?

    Here i try to repost the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gERWJSZYDE

    I’m curious what will happen, but this whole thread became already totally senseless…

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi Alex, seems ok now!

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