Home Forums Software Development Stream Engine on a Tobii Dynavox i12+

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  • #21195
    Jay Beavers

    Hi I have an app that I have developed using the Stream Engine SDK. When I run it on a factory reset Tobii Dynavox i12+ with the IS4B1 device, either without the Tobii_Service_Installer_1.25 or with, I am unable to enumerate the device.

    This app was working on this hardware prior to the factory reset, so I think it’s a driver issue. Previously I believe it had Tobii Dynavox Windows Control 2 installed on it, now it just has TGIS Classic.

    Is there a secret addition or driver update that allows the IS4 devices to work with the Stream Engine SDK?

    tobii_engine_create returns TOBII_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE.

    Jay Beavers

    Confirmed that if I install TobiiDynavox_WindowsControl_Bundle_2.0.12.4456 on the device, now the Stream Engine SDK will work on it. This software seems to add the equivalent of the Tobii 4c Gaming software package.

    Is the solution simply to ask people to install the 4C Gaming software on top of their iSeries 12+ or PC Eye Mini devices?

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @jay-beavers, please contact Tobii Dynavox @ https://www.tobiidynavox.com/pages/contact-us and the support team there should be able to confirm if the i12+ is compatible with your stream engine application. Best Wishes.

    Jay Beavers

    For those of you following at home :-), the solution is below:

    The i12+ & PCEye Mini, with TGIS installed, do not have a ‘Tobii Engine’ running. Therefore if you call tobii_engine_create, it fails. If Windows Control 2 is installed, ‘Tobii Engine’ comes along with it and it works.

    It turns out there are two ways to enumerate Tobii devices through the SDK, one uses the engine (tobii_enumerate_devices) and one enumerates them directly (tobii_enumerate_local_device_urls). You need to detect if the tobii_engine is running or not and change which API call you make.

    – Jay

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