[Solved] Support for Matlab?

Home Forums Feature Requests [Solved] Support for Matlab?


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  • #1811

    Hi there,

    There exists Tobii Analytics SDK 3.0 which supports Matlab on a range of Eye-trackers. It appears as if it won’t support the Eye X. Is it possible to use the analytics SDK with the Eye X, or is there support for Matlab in the pipline?

    Any assistance would be much appreciated!

    Robert [Tobii]

    Hi Punit,

    You are correct, the Tobii Analytics SDK does not support the Tobii EyeX Controller hardware since they belong to different product lines (research/analysis vs. gaming/consumer applications). For the same reason, there is no ongoing initiative from Tobii when it comes to Matlab bindings for the EyeX Controller.

    However, I know that some other developers out there are experimenting with using the EyeX SDK together with Matlab. For example, you can check out this forum thread.

    Agostino Gibaldi

    There is a nice Matlab implementation for EyeX that you can download here:

    Feel free of providing feedbacks and suggetions.


    As our license agreements for the EyeX SDK as well as the Gaze SDK do not permit storage of media (except for calibration files and data used for accuracy-enhancing filters), we cannot share this plugin on our developer-forum.
    I unfortunately had to remove the link.

    Please always make sure to that you have read our license agreements here:

    EyeXSDK: http://developer.tobii.com/license-agreement/
    GazeSDK: http://developer.tobii.com/?wpdmdl=120


    Agostino Gibaldi

    There is a nice toolbox for connecting the EyeX with Matlab, which recreate the functionalities of the SDK.

    You can find it on surceforge, as Matlab Toolbox EyeX, just go and search it.



    Thanks so much, Agostino! I found it. Will give it a try and see how I get on.

    Thanks again.

    Vishav Jyoti

    Hi all,

    Can we use Matlab Toolbox EyeX for Tobii 4C eyetracker?

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @vishav, yes indeed you can use the Tobii 4C with Matlab!

    However, this is only available with the Tobii Pro SDK which requires a special licence for the C4.

    You can find further details of the Tobii Pro SDK @ http://developer.tobiipro.com/

    In the meantime, for pricing options, please send a request to [email protected]

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