Home Forums Game Integration Support for Racing Sims?


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    Mark Newman

    Hi there,

    Do you plan to support any racing sims in the near future?

    I’d love to be able to use my Eyex in Project cars or Assetto Corsa, and I think you’d see a whole new interest in this technology from the racing sim community if it were supported.


    Hi there,

    Do you plan to support any racing sims in the near future?

    I’d love to be able to use my Eyex in Project cars or Assetto Corsa, and I think you’d see a whole new interest in this technology from the racing sim community if it were supported.

    We would love that as well. We’re always looking at adding more games to ISE and a racing game is definitely on our wish list.

    Mark Newman

    Cool – let me know if we get any ‘unofficial’ support for any racing titles, mods included!

    Jesko Weber

    Hey Devs,

    what’s up with support for most common racing games (Project Cars, Assetto Corsa etc.)?
    Last post on this topic 6 months ago.

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi Jesko,

    This is something we would like to have supported in the future, but for right now we have no new official announcements.


    That’s a shame, I was looking to buy the new 4c, but without race sim support it’s a no go, looks like i’m stuck with my IR Head tracking kit for now.


    I’ll be looking at the refund actually, as even though I like Tobii 4C, it lacks support for every game I play except for the Elite Dangerous. It’s not how it was being advertised. And vJoy doesn’t work for me because it’s incompatible with many games.
    It’s a real shame, that since the release, there wasn’t even a single announcement on what’s coming in terms of support.
    American Truck Simulator was being asked for a YEAR ago!!!, and still nothing.
    Real shame.


    Wow, it seems that tobii is just another garage company with no real support or future outlook. A year without an update! Well, I’ll make sure none of my friends will make the same mistake as I did by buying into this scam.


    Another 5 months and no sign of support for ATS. This is pathetic. I’m going to sell it, as it’s basically useless. Such a letdown.

    Alex [Tobii]

    Hi @galatei !

    We released an update for GameHub that adds support for ATS and fixes issues with ETS2 and vjoy configuration. It also adds support for extended view with head tracking in ETS2.


    Yet STILL no official support for Assetto Corsa, Raceroom Racing exp, RFactor2, iRacing, PCars etc, etc, how hard can it be to implement this tech for race sims? empty promises from 2 YEARS! ago, hardly inspire confidence.

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @psyanyde, We do indeed really want support to for eye tracking to be implemented into racing simulators but ultimately it is in the hands of the game studios themeselves to do this.

    We do try to petition their inclusion when we communicate with these companies, but the studios want to see the community requests to understand the value.

    Accordingly, it would be highly beneficial if you and others were to reach out and make your requests on the developer’s own forums. Thanks for your understanding.

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