TobiPro sdk – Insufficient Licence

Home Forums Software Development TobiPro sdk – Insufficient Licence

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  • #18214
    Grant [Tobii]



    I got the following error while running TobiPro sdk. Anyone can help to solve this issue?
    InsufficientLicenseException: The license is insufficient. API error code: SeInsufficientLicense.
    Tobii.Research.ExceptionFactory.IfErrorCreateAndThrowException (Tobii.Research.TobiiProInterop.InteropStatus status) (at <9988b192cf7f468f89b4ca934727f9f1>:0)
    Tobii.Research.TobiiProInterop.EyeTrackerInterop.EnterCalibrationMode (System.IntPtr nativeEyeTracker) (at <9988b192cf7f468f89b4ca934727f9f1>:0)

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @asishcse, this sounds like you have not got the unlock file necessary in order to use the Tobii Pro SDK in conjunction with a consumer-level eye tracker (such as the 4C).

    To receive a quote, please get in touch with the Tobii Pro Sales team @ and a member of the team there will get back to yo. Thanks for your understanding.

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