Home Forums Software Development Tracking accurate at top of screen, but inaccurate at bottom

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    Vincent Nguyen

    Good morning,

    Well title says all…

    I’m using the latest EyeX SW (it automatically udpated just today), and the problem is while tracking is accurate at the top of screen, it is off by a few centimers down at the bottom (with an increasing error in accuracy when going from top to bottom)

    This results into roughly half of the screen (vertical) to work correctly, but the error at the bottom is to important.

    This is a simple 22″ FullHD display, nothing magic

    Any pointer would be appreciated


    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @vincentnguyen,

    Can you confirm if this behaviour has now only started following the SW update?

    In any event, it might be worth checking your environment to see about any possible sources of IR illumination such as windows
    or spotlights behind you. Try closing these and running again the calibration.

    Vincent Nguyen

    Well I had “given” the tracker to my son, and I reinstalled it recently on my main PC. So yes it was working on my setup (a few months ago), and I only did the update when I reconnected the tracker (in preparation of Deus Ex, I must admit 🙂 )

    I tried the calibration again with no light, no success, same behaviour


    Sidenote: where can I buy additionnal mounting plate for the tracker ?

    Vincent Nguyen

    I uninstalled everything and went back to an older version (, and the issue was still present. Upgraded again, still there.

    I’m at a loss.

    The result is that when I look at something, the gaze point is higher than where it should be, and by a significant margin


    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @vincentnguyen,

    Thanks for the info. Perhaps you could explain what is different in the current setup from your
    previous one?

    If you revert to the previous configuration, is the accuracy still the same?

    Certainly, no SW updates to the Tobii software should impact tracking performance.

    Vincent Nguyen

    Yes I suspected that these would not be SW issues

    Coming back on the history of my setup, I realized that I had changed motherboard, migrating to a more recent Skylake core i5 6600K + Asus B150I Pro Gaming motherboard. My previous setup was an older core i5 + MSI motherboard.

    It is complicated to revert to the old setup, so hard for me to confirm this is indeed the issue.

    I should point out that I use a USB3 extender cable (from Amazon), because my PC is on the wrong side of the desktop. Could this cause issues ? Do you have a way to measure USB3 data transfert (since I know USB3 can be pretty finicky).



    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @vincentnguyen,

    Hm, I don’t imagine that the extender cable would be the cause of the issue however we do not generally recommend these being used unless together with a powered USB hub. At any rate, maybe you could try without the extended just to see how it goes (if it’s possible.)

    Any chance you could try calibration on another user to see how that goes?

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