Home Forums Software Development Transparent App

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    Hi all. I would like to develope a transparent app. I mean…display just some geometry and let see behind the desktop. Of course this geometry should have gaze aware component.
    I have try with an asset called Desktop Mascot Maker but I got a warning and do not work:
    GazeAwareComponent.Update () (at Assets/Standard Assets/EyeXFramework/Components/GazeAwareComponent.cs:24)EyeXGameObjectInteractorBase.Update () (at Assets/Standard Assets/EyeXFramework/EyeXGameObjectInteractorBase.cs:50)EyeXGameObjectInteractorBase.UpdateInteractorLocation (.EyeXInteractor interactor) (at Assets/Standard Assets/EyeXFramework/EyeXGameObjectInteractorBase.cs:111)EyeXGameObjectInteractorBase.GetProjectedRect () (at Assets/Standard Assets/EyeXFramework/EyeXGameObjectInteractorBase.cs:104)ProjectedRect.GetProjectedRect (UnityEngine.BoxCollider boxCollider, UnityEngine.Camera camera, Boolean allowOverlap) (at Assets/Standard Assets/EyeXFramework/ProjectedRect.cs:50)ProjectedRect.GetProjectedRect (IEnumerable`1 boundingCornerPoints, UnityEngine.Camera camera, Boolean allowOverlap) (at Assets/Standard Assets/EyeXFramework/ProjectedRect.cs:67)NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

    How can I do a overlayed app ?

    thank you very much

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