Home Forums Software Development Unity 5 – build problems

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  • #3285
    Max Friberg

    Hello Tobii devs & moderators.

    I’m currently working with my small team on a first person game for Unity 5 using the eyetracker to control head rotation and other features.

    in the unity inspector everything works like a charm, and we’re really enjoying the progress. But any built version we’ve tried doesn’t give us any eyetracking at all.

    any and all help is welcomed, we’re stumped (and approching deadline at breakneck pace)

    Patrik [Tobii]

    Hello Max,

    Do I understand your issue correctly when I say that the eye tracking working when you run it from the editor, but not when you make a build?

    Best regards

    Max Friberg

    Yes Patrik, exactly.

    Patrik [Tobii]

    Hello again Max,

    Make sure that Tobii.EyeX.Client.dll and Tobii.EyeX.Client.Net20.dll has been copied to the root of the build (where the built executable reside).

    Best regards

    EDIT Jenny [Tobii] 07 Feb 2017: Above info is not correct. Only the Client dll should end up in the root, the managed Net20 dll ends up in the Managed folder in a standalone build. See post #6306 below for more info.

    Max Friberg

    The .Net20.dll is missing, but the .client.dll is there.

    (good news)

    how do I add it? can i simply copy it from the folder in the unity project? or do I need to have it added automaticly when I build?

    the .Net.dll is in my Assets/Plugins/x86_64
    and in

    and the .Xml is there aswell

    Patrik [Tobii]

    Ok, that’s the problem.

    You can copy the file from the Unity project. Make sure to use the one in x86 if your build is targeting x86 architecture and use the one in x86_64 if your build is targeting x64 architecture.

    Best regards

    Max Friberg

    thanks for the quick replies! I’ll give this a try in a while and get back to you with the results.

    Max Friberg

    got it working.
    we were using the wrong build architecture, the eyeX framework was working all along, though the client.net20.dll was not in the build root (though it still works)

    thanks for the help!

    We’re back on track!


    Hello everyone and sorry for reopen a thread but I really lost.
    I took part in last Global Game Jam and use the Tobii eyetracker for development and in the build phase before submitting we found the eyetracker didn’t work with the executable.
    Since, the team continue the development to show the game in a fair I would like to ask for a step by step guide for building.

    I develop in a Windows 10, with Unity 5.4.
    The build target is set to x86 and the .dll files are at the same level and folder of the .exe
    And stil it didn’t work.

    Any advice? missing step or something? I’m quite desperate u.u

    Jenny [Tobii]

    Hi @lauralaureus,

    Do you still have access to the GGJ17 Slack #tobii channel? There are some pinned post about troubleshooting builds with illustrative images.

    Here are some key points for building standalone:

    1. Make sure that the dll import settings are correct: In the Unity Editor, in the Project window, navigate to Assets/Tobii/Plugins/x86. Click on the Tobii.EyeX.Client.Net20.dll and verify in the Inspector that the Windows ‘x86’ and ‘Any Platform’ checkboxes are checked (and no other checkboxes). Navigate to Assets/Tobii/Plugins/x86_64, click the Tobii.EyeX.Client.Net20.dll and verify in the Inspector that the Windows ‘x86_64’ and ‘Any Platform’ checkboxes are checked.

    2. In the resulting game build, the Tobii.EyeX.Client.dll (of the correct bitness) should end up in the same folder as the .exe file. The Tobii.EyeX.Client.Net20.dll (of the correct bitness) should end up in the [build-folder]\[game-build-name]_Data\Managed folder.

    3. To be able to run the standalone build on a computer that is not a developer machine, in addition to the Tobii client dll’s, you need to make sure the Visual C++ Redistributable Package for Visual Studio 2012 (v110) is included in your game build. For a x86 build you need the x86 redist, and for a x86_64 build you need the x86_64 redist (the Tobii client dll’s depend on these redists). You can download an installer from Microsoft (linked page does not work well with Chrome, use another web browser): Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012


    I followed your steps and I worked. Really thank you @jennytobii !!!

    Jenny [Tobii]

    Glad to hear it worked out for you @lauralaureus!


    Hi! Sorry for reopening this thread but I have the same issue as detailed above! I am working in Windows 10 with Unity 2019.4.10f1.

    Inside Assets\Tobii\Plugins, I have four files:
    1. SimpleJSON (C# script)
    2. tobii_gameintegration_x64 (dll)
    3. tobii_gameintegration_x86 (dll)
    4. TobiiGameIntegrationAPI (C# script)

    I tried downloading Tobii.EyeX.Client.Net20.dll and moved it into the Plugins folder, and changed the settings, but the build still didn’t work.

    In the resulting game build, in the Data folder, I have Plugins\x86\, and the only thing in the folder is tobii_gameintegration_x86.dll.

    Any thoughts on how to figure this problem out?

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @julianxywu, sorry to hear about your issues. Can you please confirm you have followed our latest getting started guide on Unity @


    What kind of errors if any are reported or is it simply that all builds OK but without eye tracking?


    Hi Grant,

    Thank you for your quick reply! I have followed the “Getting Started” guide on Unity. I even tried just building the demo scenes, but the gaze component of those demo scenes also don’t work after the build. In addition, all the builds are OK — there are no errors in the console.

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