Home Forums Software Development Unity3D and TobiiEyeX issues with gaze-aware component

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    So basically I’m working on application development on two different setups, both using Windows 10 Pro, Unity 5.3.4 (saddly changing the version is not an option currently) and Tobii EyeX Controller Driver version 2.0.4. On #1 platform Eye interaction is working quite good and I don’t have many issues with that, but on the #2 it seems like gaze-aware component is showing much less reaction than on #1. Gaze point data component seems to work quite fine on both platforms.

    Differences between platforms are as shown below:
    #1 Desktop: i7-4790K, 8GB RAM, GTX970 and 22″ Dell Screen.
    #2 Laptop: i5-6267U, 8GB RAM, Iris 550 and 13,3″ Screen.

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @vumi,

    Firstly, I would suggest upgrading the EyeX engine to the latest @ http://developer.tobii.com/downloads/

    Secondly, I suspect the issue may lie with the small screen size on the second system.. have you tried a custom calibration and moved the points closer to the edges?

    Either of these might help alleviate your issue, please let me know.


    Hey @grant-rogers,

    What do you mean by a custom calibration and moving points closer to the edges?
    I didn’t see any out-of-box calibration customization feature in Tobii EyeX Software.

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @vumi,

    You are quite right that within the EyeX SDK, there is no ability for custom calibration however,
    If you check out the Tobii Gaze SDK, you will see the option there to implement custom locations for the
    calibration points.

    If this seems like overkill to implement another library, I would therefore ask if there is a chance
    to increase the screen size on computer 2 and report if the issues persist.

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