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  • #8535


    Our Organization is actually working on an unreal project where we could find interesting to add some feature covered by your hardware “Tobii4c”. Unfortunately, your last plugin is deprecated since we are working on a recent version of UE4.

    So, I found some information about a plugin in development. Is there any way to have some access to it or is it still too early?


    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @chathony, thanks for your query. Whilst we are working hard to get an UE4 compatible plugin up and ready, for the time being I am afraid it is not yet available for public release or testing. Many thanks for your patience.

    Amir y

    Hello Grant
    Is there any ETA for the UE4 sdk ?

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @ayatziv, I am afraid we are still facing some issues (non-technical) in providing to our users the next release of the Unreal Engine 4 SDK. We hope to have this resolved promptly, but as of yet we still cannot provide an ETA for public distribution.

    Apologies for the disappointing news and thanks for your patience.

    Alex [Tobii]
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