Home Forums Software Development USB-HDI to TCP/IP

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  • #3678
    Amin Akbari

    Hello everybody,
    I am trying to use tobiisdk4j to connect to my Eye tracker using Java. (https://github.com/ralfbiedert/tobiisdk4j/) I believe the code has been written for TCP/IP only. How can I use USB-HDI or maybe how can I set up my Eye Tracker to use TCP/IP instead of USB-HDI. I tried to install old EyeX software and drivers but the drivers always don’t start with Error code 10. What are my options other than this?

    Thank you in advance


    As mentioned in my email to you, it is not possible, to use the Tobii EyeX as a TCP/IP device.
    In this case you need to use the Tobii Rex.


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