Home Forums Eye Tracking Devices Using EyeX in Parallels environment

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  • #1571
    Sabrina Caldwell

    I am attempting to use EyeX on a Macbook Air using Windows 8 with the Parallels environment.

    I cannot get EyeX to calibrate my eyes: the calibration process starts up, recognises my eyes with the two white dots, but then when I hit next it fades to grey with a small white dot after displaying the initial centered orange eye-tracking blob.

    About 60 seconds later I get a Calibration Error that says “The calibration could not be performed. Please check that your eye tracker is plugged in and retry. If the problem persists, contact support for assistance.”

    My questions are: a) can I persist with Parallels or is this not a good idea and b) does anyone have a suggestion to overcome the failure to calibrate?


    Hi Sabrina,

    we actually do not Support Mac devices.
    However, Parallels seems, (at least sometimes) to be a good way to still be able to use the Tobii EyeX.

    However, it appears to still be problematical.
    My first question for you is, what USB 3.0 controller is detected in Windows? You will be able to see that in the Windows device manager -> usb controllers.

    I know that parallels in some cases currently uses old drivers …

    So, when using a Macbook Pro, Parallels Desktop 9.0 emulates a Renesas uPD720200 USB 3.0 controller (however, e.g. the Macbook Pro actually has an Intel USB 3.0 controller built-in to the motherboard).
    The Renesas driver used by parallels is using firmware version 3.0.25. This is an old firmware version and known to by buggy. Renesas has both version 3.0.28 (and ultimately 3.0.34) available online, though you can’t force parallels to use it, so an upgrade is not yet an option for you.

    This is a known issue by parallels, however, to update the driver a deeper change in their system is required.

    You can contact parallels and check the status on that and you may refer to the following already existing case number: #1956060

    Hope that helps you and it would be great if you keep us up to date with any kind of feedback.



    Any updates on this topic? I bought Tobii eyeX to develop communication app for my son who can only move his eyes reliably (neurodevelopment disorder). I’d like use it in a parallels environment, but it appears the USB3 craps out during calibration phase where you are supposed to follow a dot. The lights on the front of the device immediately go out and nothing happens. Appears there is something about that phase of the calibration that causes the driver to fault. I restart and it works and fails again in same place. Any thoughts? The renesas drivers are emulators and not FIRMWARE. Seems unlikely they are the cause of the fault.


    I would also like to know if there is any update for this problem. I purchased the Tobii eyeX recently and am currently away from my windows machine. I am able to use Parallels however, before I purchase another Windows license, I would like to know if this is a viable work-around.

    Armin Zjajo


    are there any updates for this issue? I would like to use tobii on Mac using Parallels.
    Are there any confirmed workarounds?



    Also keen to use it in Parallels or for you guys to support the Mac! Any update please?

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi All,

    I am afraid that for the time being, we do not provide official support for either Mac in native mode or indeed through a virtual engine such as Parallels.

    It is possible that the setup will work with latest updates from the Parallels software, but the issue is one of USB3 chipset operability which is out of our hands.

    The best one can do at this stage is test it directly to see how the equipment works.

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