Home Forums XR Discussions Vive Pro Eye SRanipal SDK Compilation error

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  • #11998
    Ben Falandays

    I’ve been attempting to follow the tutorials for setting up a simple scene with a cube that highlights upon gaze (and I’ve also tried some sample scenes such as “Example_GettingStarted” from the Tobii XR SDK package), but the script won’t run when “Tobii or HTC Provider” is selected under Window > Tobii XR. When I try to run the scene, I get the following error:

    Assets\TobiiXR\External\Providers\TobiiHTC\TobiiHTCProvider.cs(20,44): error CS0117: ‘SRanipal_Eye’ does not contain a definition for ‘IsViveProEye’

    Scenes will only run if I instead select “Tobii Eye tracking provider,” but this produces an error that leads the program to default to “NoseDirectionProvider.” So the scene will then run, but it’s not really tracking my eyes at all.

    Interestingly, the “EyeSample” scene from the SRAnipal SDK (which has some dartboards and a face in a mirror) works perfectly even when “Tobii Eye tracking provider” is selected, but fails entirely when “Tobii or HTC Provider” is selected.

    Any help resolving this issue would be much appreciated!

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @bfalandays, thanks for your message and apologies to hear about your experience.

    We have recently been made aware of this issue also and is being caused by a new version of the SRAnipal SDK which has not yet been updated to be fully supportd on the Tobii XR.

    However, we are planning on releasing a new version of Tobii XR which will address this issue ideally before the end of this week.

    Accordingly, please check in again and keep an eye on a XR SDK update. Thanks for your patience during this time, best wishes.

    Mattias Brand

    The current Tobii XR SDK (1.4.1) is tested with SR Anipal 1.0.1. There was a breaking change in SR Anipal where the function IsViveProEye was moved from SRanipal_Eye to SRanipal_Eye_API. To unblock you now, you can make this change manually in your project.


    It works for me, thanks Mattias!

    Ben Falandays

    Wondering if anyone could add more info on how to make this adjustment, for a Unity noob? I tried copying the lines containing the “IsViveProEye” function from SRanipal_Eye_API script to the SRanipal_Eye script, but that didn’t seem to do anything. Apologies if this is a naive question!


    No, you just have to change “SRanipal_Eye” to “SRanipal_Eye_API” in the same script!

    Ben Falandays

    Oh great, very helpful! Thanks

    Ben Falandays

    Sorry, one last question! Which script needs this change made? Is it one of the SRanipal scripts, or one of the Tobii XR scripts?

    Mattias Brand

    XR SDK for Unity 1.5.2 contains a fix to this issue:

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @hbfalandays, I hope you managed to get everything up and running now? Thanks for the update 🙂

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