Home Forums Eye Tracking Devices Vive Retrofit Tracking not Functioning


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  • #13848
    Stefan Harp


    I’m working with a Vive retrofitted with the VR4 Watt Viking P3 sensor as reported by the Tobii Pro eyetracker manager, but it recently has had issues functioning in that any apps, including the Mirrors legacy app that I use for calibration. When I launch the Mirrors app, the calibration window shows the indicators in red for where the eyes are in relation to the sensor at the top left, and the indicators do not move in any way when putting the headset on. Continuing the calibration starts the process with the pink calibration dots but as it is unable to check the gaze position, it continually fails.

    The Tobii Software and apps that show the connection status imply it’s correctly connected and working, such as the small text box in the Mirrors app that states “Eyetracker: Connected” or the Tobii Software detecting a VR headset, but I’m unable to get any sort of tracking feedback from any app. Within the Tobii Pro eyetracker manager, I’m able to see the camera feeds for the eyes and they seem to be functioning correctly as well, although it’s difficult to exactly make out what they are seeing.

    I encountered this issue once and after a few reinstalls of all the Tobii software including a full clean install, where it continued having issues, but the next day after leaving the computer turned off for the night it seemingly fixed itself and I was able to calibrate and operate as normal. It recently happened again though and I’ve been unable to get it working in any way. I’ve tried reseating the sensor’s usb connection in the headset and plugging the headset’s USB into a couple different USB ports on the computer, both 2.0 and 3.0, but I’m still having issues. Is there anything else I can try or should I contact support directly with the diagnostic dump?

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @tisaric, sorry to hear about your issues. It seems like you most likely purchased your product from Tobii Pro Business department based on the software and hardware specification you have outlined.

    This forum is intended for support with the Tobii Tech Consumer level eye trackers (4C, Eyex, etc) and their associated SDK’s.

    Please get in touch with Tobii Pro Support team directly @ http://www.tobiipro.com/contact/contact-support/ for assistance in resolving the issue.

    Apologies for the inconvenience and thanks for your understanding.

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