Home Forums XR Discussions Eye-tracking runtime software for Linux


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    My OS: Ubuntu 22.04
    HMD hardware: HTC Vive Pro Eye
    HMD runtime: SteamVR

    While I was working on OpenXR project, on Windows 10 OS, the run-time software to access eye-tracking was SRanipal.

    However, in my best knowledge, SRanipal does not support Ubuntu.

    So, how I can assess the eye-tracking on Ubuntu? Is there any run-time software from Tobii on Linux as an alternative of SRanipal?

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @bipul-mohanto, apologies but all of Tobii VR offerings are currently Windows Only.


    Okay, can you name any alternative for Linux? I read about Monado, but do not think they have run-time software support for eye-tracking.

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @bipul-mohanto, VR within Linux is still largely in it’s infancy so we would recommend you focus on Windows for the time being. However, I understand that the ‘Valve Index’ support linux, but this model is not currently supported by Tobii.

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