Home Forums Software Development Incomplete or incorrect official C# bindings for Tobii Stream Engine

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  • #18384
    Hongbin Zou

    In the latest sdk, “tobii_calibration_stimulus_points_t” is not defined in Tobii.StreamEngine.Interop.cs, which brings a compiling error.
    Please fix this, thanks.

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @dragonus, thanks for your message.

    The tobii_calibration_stimulus_points_t is in fact declared within Tobii.StreamEnginePartner.Interop.cs which is part of a partner package that is provided for specialised clients who have signed an NDA with Tobii.

    The ability to use tobii_calibration_stimulus_points_t is part of a the custom calibration package within the Stream Engine.

    If you feel you require this functionality, and would like to request a quote please let us know.

    Hongbin Zou

    Well then why don’t you move those two lines from Tobii.StreamEngine.Interop.cs to Tobii.StreamEnginePartner.Interop.cs:
    [DllImport(stream_engine_dll, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = “tobii_calibration_stimulus_points_get”)]
    private static extern tobii_error_t tobii_calibration_stimulus_points_get(IntPtr device, out tobii_calibration_stimulus_points_t stimulus_points);

    This function is never called in the C# binding, and according to what you said, will never be used by clients without an NDA including me. It does nothing except generating an error. I think it doesn’t belong here.

    Grant [Tobii]

    Thank you for your feedback, I have passed along your comments to the development team for review.

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