Home Forums Software Development Tobii Eye Tracker 5 with python, cannot print gaze data

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  • #21908

    I am working on a project that requires the gaze data capture by Tobii eye tracker 5. I followed the tobii-sdk step by step guide which helps create a very basic program that prints gaze data from my eye tracker. However, when I run the code it only print None and I am not sure why.But Eye Tracker work perfectly by Tobii Experience and Tobii ghost

    My code is directly off: https://developer.tobiipro.com/python/python-step-by-step-guide.html
    Also I am using the Tobii Eye Tracker 5 with python 3.8

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @ray24966612, I’m afraid the Python Bindings of the Tobii Pro SDK are only for Tobii Pro Eye Trackers. Any development using the Tobii Eye Tracker5 needs to make done via the Stream Engine API for which you can make a download request @ https://developer.tobii.com/software-downloads/

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