Home Forums Software Development EyeX using Gaze SDK to calibrate

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    I have downloaded the Gaze SDK and am using it with the Tobii EyeX. I have modified the WpfCalbrationSample to have slightly larger dots and it seems to work. My question is how do I know when run another program with EyeX it is using the calibration done with the WpfCalibration?


    Once get this working want to use modified WpfCalibrationSample to calibrate EyeX to make higher contrast, much bigger dots and slow the whole thing down.


    Hi exo,
    sorry, there is no way to change how the EyeX Engine does its calibration at the moment. You can use the Gaze SDK to set the calibration, but take care because the EyeX Engine will overwrite the calibration whenever it connects to the tracker.


    Thanks for the reply. Too bad calibration for EyeX Engine can’t be changed. We really need a higher contrast, slower calibration.

    I noticed that if turn off Eye Tracker in control panel (clicking on little eyes at bottom), that the WinFormsSample in Gaze SDK still works. Does this prevent the calibration done in EyeX being over written? Or is there some way to tell when the EyeX calibration changes?

    Patrik [Tobii]

    Hello exo,

    Turning off the eye tracker in the control panel will simply disconnect the EyeX Engine from receiving eye tracker data. Since you’re using the GazeSDK – which is not based on the EyeX engine – you are still able to connect to the eye tracker.

    When the eye tracker goes into calibration mode, there is a property called EyeXHost.EyeTrackingDeviceStatus which you can monitor. It will change to EyeXDeviceStatus.Configuring when the calibration starts and EyeXDeviceStatus.Tracking when the calibration is finished.

    Any changes to the current calibration via the GazeSDK will also affect the current calibration used by the EyeX engine. The EyeX engine will however restore the calibration for the current profile when restarted or connected, so if you want to keep a calibration done directly via the GazeSDK, you will have to make sure that the EyeX engine is turned off. If the EyeX engine is running, there is no guarantee that it won’t reload a calibration from disc at any point in time.

    Best regards


    Thanks for the reply. So to be clear. To keep our calibration must more than disconnect. But “Quit” in the settings. EyeX Engine still comes back on pc restart. So may have to uninstall the EyeX Engine to keep it from affecting calibration. “Quit” will be enough for short term check.

    But really need to store and retrieve the calibrations done with slow, high contrast, big calibrating. This is for multiple subjects who are vision impaired. Is there some way to store and retrieve the calibrations done with the Gaze SDK? Or if have EyeX Engine use a different calibrating program?

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