Home Forums Eye Tracking Devices I have problem with detection eyes

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    Vardan Meliksetyan

    Hello community, I Unity Game Developer and today I get Tobii EyeX. Thanks for that Tobii company. I have problem with eye detection. I install Tobii EyeX 1.1.0 (with EyeX Interaction 0.6.0) after that connect USB 3.0 to Tobii device infrared light worked 1-2 seconds and nothing else. I install Eye Asteroids but it said that “eye detection problem”. What I did wrong please guys help me)) Thanks

    Mark Grossman

    I am in a similar situation. I have tried 2 different EyeX units in different environments and it will not track me with my glasses on. I’m willing to come to your SV office to be examined if that helps you.

    Mattias [Tobii]

    Hi Mark,

    Do you run EyeX Engine 1.1.0? If you do, there is a way for you to help us diagnose the problem, because we want the device to work for just about everyone.

    Please access the “diagnostics tool” under the “About” tag in the EyeX settings panel. The tool will create a zip file with logging, system info, and if the problem relates to eyetracking it will include sensor image data as well, all that you can provide in communication with our support team to help us understand your problem faster.There is also some handy tips and self-help that may put you on the right track.Otherwise contact us at:



    Mattias [Tobii]

    Hi Vardan,

    Does the settings panel show the eyetracker as connected? Is the problem general or only in some specific app/game?

    If problem persist, I would kinkly advice you to follow the suggestions to Mark given above, to access our diagnostic feature and to contact our support if the self help is insufficient.


    Vardan Meliksetyan

    Thanks Mattias for answer I send message and zip to support as you told

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