Home Forums Software Development Using EyeX with Gaze SDK

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  • #3683
    Vijay Rajanna


    I recently started working with EyeX tracker, on windows, with an intent of connecting multiple EyeX trackers to the same machine.
    However, the current EyeX Engine doesn’t support multiple EyeX trackers.

    Hence, my other option is to use the Gaze SDK.
    Assuming that I start using the gaze SDK, I have the following questions.

    1) Does the Gaze SDK support multiple EyeX trackers?
    2) EyeX SDK runs on EyeX Engine, likewise, does Gaze SDK need any engine?
    3) If the answer is “No” for question “2,” does including the Gaze SDK in VS project is enough?

    Thanks in advance.

    Edward Ryklin

    1)Gaze SDK *might* support multiple trackers.
    I started working with the Gaze SDK when using the REX eyetracker. This controller preceded the EyeX and its engine. The Gaze SDK connected to the tracker by specifying a product_id = “REXDL-010103126203.local”, so it’s feasible that each controller has a unique product_id name, allowing you to connect simultaneously to multiple controllers. Even if this was true, I have not tested it at all on the EyeX. It is possible to connect to two different controllers simultaneously, such as the REX and EyeX, that I’m pretty sure of, because they use different SDK’s. This is especially true if the controllers are made by two different manufacturers.

    2)No. The GazeSDK is completely independent of the ExeX engine, hence (among other things) you must provide your own calibration routine. Something I have done, but not as thoroughly as Tobii. I have deprecated the calibration because I prefer using Tobii’s.

    3)Not sure how to answer this question. Enough for what? Please elaborate.

    I have implemented the ability to connect to multiple trackers in my application, though not concomitantly. Nonetheless, if you’d like to demo what I’ve made, you can by following the link below. Only, thing to keep in mind is that I have not exposed the GazeSDK to the user via the GUI. So when connecting to the eye tracker select “My own”, and choose the TobiiGaze.dll which included in the distribution.

    To tryout my app you can visit the following facebook page which contains a download link:

    Please leave comments on how I can make the app better.

    Vijay Rajanna

    Hi Edward,

    Thanks a lot for your comprehensive feedback.
    Your answer to question 2, answers question 3 as well.
    I am yet to connect multiple EyeX with the GazeSDK, and I will update this thread with my feedback soon.

    We will look forward to your work on myeyetracker

    Jenny [Tobii]

    Hi Vijay,

    The Gaze SDK can connect to multiple trackers, but the EyeX Controller and Steelseries Sentry device drivers only support one of these eye tracker to be connected to the system at a time.

    About the relationship between the Gaze SDK and the EyeX Engine, it is true what Edward wrote that the Gaze SDK is completely independent of the EyeX Engine. But note that since we are bundling the EyeX Controller drivers with the EyeX Engine software, it is very likely that the engine will be running on your end users machines and that the users will have completed screen setup and calibration procedures using the engine software before running your application. The EyeX Engine will automatically connect to the first eye tracker found on the system. Which eye tracker it will connect to probably depends on the order the USB ports are “scanned” (I don’t really know the proper term for this 🙂 ) for connected devices by the system.

    The EyeX Engine is actually built on top of the Gaze SDK, and uses the Gaze SDK to connect to the eye tracker.

    Vijay Rajanna

    Hi Jenny,

    Thank you for your response.
    I am little confused, I understand that Gaze SDK can connect to multiple trackers simultaneously by using different tracker URLS.
    If I am using two EyeX controllers, is it possible to connect to both of them simultaneously using Gaze SDK?

    I am asking the above question because in your comment you have mentioned that “EyeX Controller and Steelseries Sentry device drivers only support one of these eye tracker to be connected to the system at a time.”

    Does your comment mean that I can not connect two EyeX trackers simultaneously even when using the Gaze SDK?

    Thank you.

    Vijay Rajanna

    Hi Jenny,

    Could you please help us by answering the queries in my last post.

    Jenny [Tobii]

    Hi Vijay,

    You cannot connect to more than one EyeX Controller eye tracker at the time. This is a restriction in the eye tracker device driver, not the SDK. The device driver will scan the USB ports for a physically connected EyeX Controller, and then connect to the first eye tracker it finds, and ignore any other.

    Vijay Rajanna

    Hi Jenny,

    Thank you for your response.
    Does tobii have any plans of adding this feature to EyeX Engine? if so, when can we expect this feature?


    Jenny [Tobii]

    Hi Vijay,

    It is not up to the EyeX Engine software to handle this, it has to be changed in the device drivers for the eye tracker itself. The drivers are developed separately. I don’t think there are any plans to change this. As usual it would be a business decision based on demand and available resources. Right now I think there is more focus on getting the next generation eye tracker out on the market: http://www.tobii.com/group/news-media/press-releases/tobii-unveils-next-generation-eye-tracking-platform-targeting-consumer-devices/

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