Extract the archive containing the library and all necessary header files, then follow the steps below to integrate StreamEngine into your application.

1.  Create a new project (Console App)

2.  Configure your new project

3.  Paste the sample code below into the cpp file

#include "tobii/tobii.h"
#include "tobii/tobii_streams.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>

void gaze_point_callback( tobii_gaze_point_t const* gaze_point, void* /* user_data */)
    // Check that the data is valid before using it
    if( gaze_point->validity == TOBII_VALIDITY_VALID )
        printf( "Gaze point: %f, %f\n",
            gaze_point->position_xy[ 0 ],
            gaze_point->position_xy[ 1 ] );

void url_receiver( char const* url, void* user_data )
    char* buffer = (char*)user_data;
    if( *buffer != '\0' ) return; // only keep first value

    if( strlen( url ) < 256 )
        strcpy( buffer, url );

int main()
    // Create API
    tobii_api_t* api = NULL;
    tobii_error_t result = tobii_api_create( &api, NULL, NULL );
    assert( result == TOBII_ERROR_NO_ERROR );

    // Enumerate devices to find connected eye trackers, keep the first
    char url[ 256 ] = { 0 };
    result = tobii_enumerate_local_device_urls( api, url_receiver, url );
    assert( result == TOBII_ERROR_NO_ERROR );
    if(*url == '\0')
        printf("Error: No device found\n");
        return 1;

    // Connect to the first tracker found
    tobii_device_t* device = NULL;
    result = tobii_device_create( api, url, TOBII_FIELD_OF_USE_STORE_OR_TRANSFER_FALSE, &device );
    assert( result == TOBII_ERROR_NO_ERROR );

    // Subscribe to gaze data
    result = tobii_gaze_point_subscribe( device, gaze_point_callback, 0 );
    assert( result == TOBII_ERROR_NO_ERROR );

    // This sample will collect 1000 gaze points
    for( int i=0; i<1000; i++ )
        // Optionally block this thread until data is available. Especially useful if running in a separate thread.
        result = tobii_wait_for_callbacks( 1, &device );
        assert( result == TOBII_ERROR_NO_ERROR || result == TOBII_ERROR_TIMED_OUT );

        // Process callbacks on this thread if data is available
        result = tobii_device_process_callbacks( device );
        assert( result == TOBII_ERROR_NO_ERROR );

    // Cleanup
    result = tobii_gaze_point_unsubscribe( device );
    assert( result == TOBII_ERROR_NO_ERROR );
    result = tobii_device_destroy( device );
    assert( result == TOBII_ERROR_NO_ERROR );
    result = tobii_api_destroy( api );
    assert( result == TOBII_ERROR_NO_ERROR );
    return 0;

4.  Right-click the project -> Properties -> Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> General -> Additional Include Directories

Add the include folder path

5.  Configuration Properties -> Linker -> General -> Additional Library Directories

Add the lib folder path

6.  Configuration Properties -> Linker -> Input -> Additional Dependencies

Add the lib name: tobii_stream_engine.lib

7.  Run and receive the gaze data!

8.  If you happen to receive this error, add “using namespace std” in the sample script

ref <https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57101085/how-to-fix-compile-error-this-function-or-variable-may-be-unsafe-strcpy>

Eye Tracking Data Transparency Policy

This policy applies to solutions that store or transfer Tobii eye tracking data, presence or position data, regardless of the purpose for the storing or transferring. End-users care about their data integrity and privacy. Therefore, as a vendor you must gain end-users’ trust regarding what you do with the end users’s eye tracking data. Being transparent is a good starting point in gaining trust and that is why we created the Tobii Eye Tracking Data Transparency policy.