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    Recently, i’m trying to use SDK for Tobii eyetracker.
    For my research, i need data more than final results(like gaze point, eye position etc.)

    For example, whether the Tobii get gaze point data for left and right eyes respectively?

    If so how Tobii calculate one gaze point using two gaze point data for both eye?(average them?)

    And how can i get gaze point data for left and right eyes respectively?

    or user can’t access any data except final results(except eye-gaze point, eye positions, fixations, gaze-aware region, activatable region, pannable region, user presence)?

    please reply that i can access any data more than final results.


    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @hmlee, it sounds like you are using a Tobii Pro series of eye Trackers? Could you kindly confirm which SDK and model of eye tracker you are using please?

    However, I can tell you that yes the gaze point is averaged between the left and right eye, however with the Tobii EyeX Tracker this data is not available separately.

    So yes you are correct when you assume that the ‘final results’ is the data that is exposed with the EyeX tracker.

    For scientific research and the full range of eye tracker data, you are required to use the Tobii Pro range of hardware and software.


    Hi Grant.
    Maybe we are using ‘Assembly Tobii EyeX Development kit’.
    ‘Tobii EyeX Controller’ and ‘Develpment kit’ are written on the box.

    Do i need a tobii pro product?
    If i get a Tobii pro product, i can access whole data through entire process?

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @hmlee, okay thanks for the clarification. The persistent storage of data is a breach of the terms and conditions of using the Tobii EyeX SDK.

    If this is indeed your intention (which it seems to be) then I must officially recommend that you use the Tobii Pro range of eye tracker for this purpose. And yes, the whole data process is exposed in the Tobii Pro range of eye trackers.

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