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Following is a sample output from the Tobii Pro SDK Prefabs used with Unity (http://developer.tobiipro.com/unity/unity-sdk-reference-guide.html)
#Unity Data
GazeDirection Value=”(-0.05267334, 0.01541138, 0.99848940)” Valid=”True” />
<GazeOrigin Value=”(-0.03057870, 0.00478235, -0.04329382)” Valid=”True” />
<PupilDiameter Value=”0.00168019″ Valid=”True” />
<GazeRayWorld Origin=”(-0.40116220, 1.04663500, -0.38193990)” Direction=”(0.24876200, 0.05519217, 0.96699090)” Valid=”True” /

#Raw Data
<GazeDirection UnitVector=”(0.05267334, 0.01541138, 0.99848940)” Validity=”Valid” />
<GazeOrigin PositionInHMDCoordinates=”(30.57870000, 4.78234900, -43.29382000)” Validity=”Valid” />
<Pupil PupilDiameter=”1.68019100″ Validity=”Valid” />
PupilPosition PositionInTrackingArea=”(0.55140850, 0.63337760)” Validity=”Valid” />

Which one of these can be used to 1) determine head orientation of the user wearing the HMD and 2) Screen co-ordinates where the user is looking in a Skybox playing 360 degree video?

I forgot to mention this part of the output:
<Pose Position=”(-0.26140150, 0.93376760, 0.11820720)” Rotation=”(0.00575974, 0.11311300, -0.00657768, 0.99354370)” Valid=”True” />