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31/10/2019 at 10:05 #12217
Grant [Tobii]
Hi @johnolap and thanks for your query. You can get access to the gaze data from the eye tracker device via the GazeRay object.
The GazeRay is a Struct containing the gaze ray for left and right eye composed of: Origin – The point in world space for the origin of the gaze ray & Direction – The normalized direction vector in world space for the direction of the gaze ray.
Please find below a simple code snippet to use this object
private void Update ()
var gazeRay = TobiiXR.EyeTrackingData.GazeRay;
// Check if gaze ray is valid
// Eye Origin is in World Space
var rayOrigin = TobiiXR.EyeTrackingData.GazeRay.Origin;
// Eye Direction is a normalized direction vector in World Space
var rayDirection = TobiiXR.EyeTrackingData.GazeRay.Direction;
You can find further details about this @ https://vr.tobii.com/sdk/develop/unity/documentation/api-reference/
Please do let us know if we can provide any further information. Best Wishes.