Home Forums Software Development Want to build my Ui eye gaze aware Reply To: Want to build my Ui eye gaze aware

Grant [Tobii]

Hi @ektajha90, I am afraid that we do not currently have an official Javascript Bindings for use with the Tobii 4C or EyeX Eye Tracker.

A number of other users have experimented with creating their own bindings online such as @ https://github.com/coylz/TobiiStreamEngineForJava

Please bear in mind these and not official bindings so we cannot support their application, but certainly, we would
welcome your feedback in using these 3rd party tools.

We have several SDK’s that are directly compatible with the Consumer level of eye trackers (EyeX, 4C) which are available for a variety of environments such as Unity, Unreal Engine & Regular Windows which come in C++ and C#. Equally as for the Stream Engine as described above.

Additional bindings such as Python are available but only with the Tobii Pro SDK which requires to purchase a special licence to use.

If you look at our SDK landing page @ https://developer.tobii.com/consumer-eye-trackers/ more details are provided.

Please do Let us know if you have any specific questions.