Home Forums Legacy SDKs Tobii Gaze SDK with PCEye Go Reply To: Tobii Gaze SDK with PCEye Go

Jay Beavers

I am attempting to do the same. I have a PC Eye Go installed along with Gaze Interaction Software The same system also has the EyeX SDK 1.0 installed on it and has had an EyeX attached.

When I visit Gaze Interaction Settings -> System Information, Eye tracker firmware version: remains blank and the Upgrade button remains disabled. The PC Eye Go is working with the Gaze Interaction Software and it show up in the Windows Device Manager under Network Adapters.

When I run:
fwupgrade –auto –info-only
I get back:
205 No eye tracker could be found

My goal is to get the PC Eye Go working so I can write software that works with both it and the EyeX.

What should I do for next steps?