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Grant [Tobii]

Hi @yannrl7, apologies for the delay in response, I have been trying to gather the appropriate information for your project.

Unfortunately, it appears based on the information you have provided it will be necessary to use a Tobii Pro SDK licence based on the following points

You mentioned that you intend to store the gaze data for use in Matlab. The storage of gaze is explicitly prohibited by the Tobii Core SDK licence agreement and requires a special licence to do so.

In addition, it seems the best way for you to achieve what you need rather than calibrating on a monitor first, then changing screen and preventing re-calibration (which is not actually something any SDK supports) would be to use the Pro SDK which supports alternate screen setups such as calibrating with projectors directly.

I would suggest you contact the SDK licencing team for an appropriate quote: [email protected]

That being said, perhaps the previous user Jan Willem who was working on a similar project (@tttobitt) may be able to offer to you a workaround that avoids the change of SDK. Sorry this was not what you wanted but hopefully we can find for you a solution that meets your needs and budget.