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Grant [Tobii]

Hi @kirill702b, within the Tobii Core SDK Stream Engine API, you can access the Eye Tracker serial number
using as an example the following code.

#include <tobii/tobii.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    tobii_api_t* api;
    tobii_error_t error = tobii_api_create( &api, NULL, NULL );
    assert( error == TOBII_ERROR_NO_ERROR );

    tobii_device_t* device;
    error = tobii_device_create( api, NULL, &device );
    assert( error == TOBII_ERROR_NO_ERROR );

    tobii_device_info_t info;
    error = tobii_get_device_info( device, &info );
    assert( error == TOBII_ERROR_NO_ERROR );

    printf( "Serial number: %s\n", info.serial_number );

    error = tobii_device_destroy( device );
    assert( error == TOBII_ERROR_NO_ERROR );

    error = tobii_api_destroy( api );
    assert( error == TOBII_ERROR_NO_ERROR );
    return 0;

We provide further details on the Core SDK documentation page @


Hopefully this satisfies your needs!