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Hi, I have tried to use demo of Unity SDK;
but it still not work at head tracking,

I change the 3rd demo to this:

// Copyright 2016 Tobii AB (publ). All rights reserved.

using UnityEngine;
using Tobii.Gaming;
using UnityEngine.UI;

/// <summary>
/// Various settings and utilities to manage calibrations and the presence of the user
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Referenced in the Eye Tracking Settings and Configuration example scene.
/// </remarks>
public class EyeTrackerSettingsMenu : MonoBehaviour
public Text TextViewUserPresenceStatus;
public Text TextViewIsUserPresent;
public Text TextViewDeviceStatus;

void Update()

/// <summary>
/// Print the User Presence status
/// </summary>
private void UpdateUserPresenceView()
var userPresence = TobiiAPI.GetUserPresence();
HeadPose headPose = TobiiAPI.GetHeadPose();
TextViewUserPresenceStatus.text = userPresence.ToString();

if (TobiiAPI.GetUserPresence().IsUserPresent())
TextViewIsUserPresent.text = headPose.Position.x + “, ” + headPose.Position.y + “, ” + headPose.Position.z;
TextViewIsUserPresent.text = “No”;

User present is present, but value is NaN,NaN,NaN;
I didn’t work at Unity before, but I think what I change has already working.
But it didn’t return my head position.