Home Forums Software Development [Solved] Enabling Tobii Eye Tracking programmatically C# Reply To: [Solved] Enabling Tobii Eye Tracking programmatically C#


My concern is that the functionality of the EyeX has been reduced. Back in 2014, when I bought it, I had more control than today. At that time with the GazeSDK I could calibrate programmatically with my own design and switch the LEDs on/off programmatically. Since there is no technical reason for removing the functions, it must have been a conscious decision. I just don’t see any reason for it.

In our daily business it turned out that users do not understand the interaction between the Tobii software and our software. They want everything seamlessly from a single application. GazeSDK based we were able to offer a better usability for our users.
With illuminated LEDs one feels observed and the slight flickering of the 4Cs disturbs permanently. Therefore, it is normal for our users that they want to turn off the LEDs after the eye tracking session is over.
To your recommended work-around to stop the Tobii service: An additional difficulty is that some employees in Fortune 500 companies have no rights to stop a Windows service. But no Windows access right can stop them to unplug the cable…