Home Forums Software Development Get Eye-screen-coordinates and match it with a Unity game object Reply To: Get Eye-screen-coordinates and match it with a Unity game object

Grant [Tobii]

Hi @rasa, thanks for your query. You will be pleased to know we provide a detailed description of the co-ordinate system we used in the Unity SDK in the documentation pages which you can find @ https://tobii.github.io/UnitySDK/manual#gaze-point-data

The GazePoint.Viewport returns the gaze point in Viewport coordinates, where (0,0) is the bottom-left and (1,1) is the top-right corner of the UnityEngine.Screen. The values can be higher than 1 and lower than 0 if the user looks a bit outside the physical bounds of the monitor.

With regards, to saving the co-ordinates obtained from the eye tracker to a file, this is expressly prohibited by the Unity SDK licence agreement and requires the purchase of an ‘analytical licence’ to do. Any long term storage of gaze data is not permitted without this special licence.

You can read more @ https://analyticaluse.tobii.com/?utm_source=developer.tobii.com

If you would like a quote for this licence, please send a speculative email to [email protected] with a description of your project.

Please let me know if I can provide any further information for you.