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I was looking the example “MinimalUserProfiles.cpp” provided with the TobiiEyeXSdk-Cpp-1.8.498. In the comments it is written:

* MinimalUserProfiles sample:
* This is an example that demontrates how to retrieve and listen to changes to
* the states Current Profile Name and Profiles, and how to change the Current
* Profile.
* (It is written in mostly very C-style C++, to make it similar to the other
* minimal samples but still make use of std::vector and std::string. Using those
* makes the implementation more straightforward when handling the Profile state
* which is very dynamic in nature: an unknown number of profile name entries of
* unknown size.)
* Known limitation: this sample only works correctly for up to 10 profiles. It
* will list all profiles, but the input will only read one digit, so 9 will be
* the highest selectable index.
* Copyright 2015 Tobii AB (publ). All rights reserved.

But I do not know if I can save a new profile and how many profiles can be saved.

If I can not Handling the profiles with api what this example refers to?

Thank s for the support

Best regards