Home Forums Software Development Change Gaze Trace Behavior? Reply To: Change Gaze Trace Behavior?

Grant [Tobii]

Hi @adithideborah, unfortunately monocular tracking is only available with the Tobii Pro SDK, which requires the purchase of a special unlock file to operate with the Tobii 4C (or EyeX) tracker. If you would like a quote, feel free to send your project specifications to [email protected] and the team there will get back to you.

Regarding your project itself, please kindly be aware that the Core SDK and Tobii Tech range of eye trackers (4C, EyeX) are intended for interaction purposes only.
Any use of this software and hardware to perform analysis requires the purchase of a special analytical use licence to do so.
You can read further information about this @ https://analyticaluse.tobii.com/