Home Forums Eye Tracking Devices calibration license? Reply To: calibration license?

Grant [Tobii]

Hi @takashimatsuzawa, thanks for your patience whilst we tried to collate the various information in regard to your query.

With regard to the config licence. This is required for a couple of operations in SEC that changes the configuration of the tracker. This includes at least configuring the display setup and custom calibration of the tracker.

The Pro license level automatically includes “config”.

Certainly, gaze data will not be returned if no calibration file is found. Also, the Tobii 4C doesn’t keep the calibration through a power cycle. TobiiService doesn’t handle this either. For the 4C it is the Tobii tech software bundle that persists calibrations over power cycles. So it would not work to calibrate on Windows and then switch to Linux.

The config licence would be per-device although depending on the number you have in mind, it would be best to email [email protected] who can provide you an exact quote.

Please let us know if we can provide for you any further information.