Home Forums Software Development A Couple of Questions Regarding the Gaze SDK

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  • #2399
    Mark Castle

    I had a couple of questions regarding the C# Gaze SDK. I’m currently using a slightly modified version of the MinimalNetTracker sample program.

    a) Is it possible to retrieve a single gaze coordinate for both eyes, rather than a separate gaze point for the left and right eyes? If not, how easy is this to implement?

    b) How are the gaze coordinates rounded? Is there a specific decimal place that they’re always rounded to? If so, what is it?

    c) How can I limit the rate at which gaze coordinates are updated? I’m currently sending rounded gaze coordinates to a virtual serial port for processing via Python, but I’m struggling to keep up with how fast the gaze data is updated.

    d) According to the documentation, each gaze data packet includes all kinds of information such as eye position in track box, eye position from eye tracker, gaze point from eye tracker, etcetera. However, the only data I’m able to find available in the sample programs are timestamps, tracking status codes, and gaze point on display. Could someone clarify how to access this information?


    Hi Mark,

    a) No, not with the Gaze SDK. But it’s fairly easy to implement: just average the signals from both eyes if both eyes are tracked. More elaborate schemes are also possible, e.g., giving the user the option to only use the data from one eye; handling tracking status changes by interpolation instead of sudden jumps. You get the idea.

    b) That is eye tracker specific information and it may change at any time. I can’t provide any information. Sorry.

    c) The easiest way is to throw away every n’th data point.

    d) It’s all in the GazeDataEventArgs.GazeData struct that is passed into the gaze data event handler. For example:

            private static void EyeTrackerGazeData(object sender, GazeDataEventArgs e)
                var gazeData = e.GazeData;
                Console.WriteLine("Left eye, track box X: {0}", gazeData.Left.EyePositionInTrackBoxNormalized.X);
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