[Solved] Active Tobii Core App (Eyetracking enabled ) disturbes Starcitizen cursor

Home Forums Game Integration [Solved] Active Tobii Core App (Eyetracking enabled ) disturbes Starcitizen cursor

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    Alexander Buhles

    Hello all,

    i am having this dev kit for a while now. Since i got back to Starcitizen i wanted to get something like “infinite screen” working. Using FreePie and VJoy i could hack up something that is nearly there.
    I have a problem though. That Tobii main app disturbes SCs cursor in the game UI. Its annoying. I have now clue why and if writing my own standaloen tracking app ( with the SDK ) would help this. Any ideas?

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @monkeystador, can you confirm if this cursor behaviour happens only with StarCitizen ? How about some other similar titles? Would be good to know if the problem is game specific, thank you.

    Alexander Buhles

    No Mans Sky,XCOM2 and Stellaris are fine. Although XCOM2 doesnt work with a virtual mouse. They have something funny going on there.
    It fails in the new 2.6 version of the frontpage UI of the StarCitizen Game

    Grant [Tobii]

    All right Alex thanks for the information.

    I am not sure how much can be done quickly but I will certainly escalate the issue for you and see what can be done.

    Alexander Buhles

    Hello again. I have to admit i made a mistake here. Its not the driver or the eyetracking app. Its the FreePie script running. By coincedence i always had the script running when testing this out. I am really sorry about this.

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi Alex (@monkeystador) , ok thanks for the update. Can I consider the issue resolved?

    Alexander Buhles


    Stefan Tobiasson

    HI Alexander.
    If you need help to test.
    I will gladly do that as I have the EyeX and also have several ships in Star Citizen.
    BR Stefan

    Julien Laverne

    Same here, if you are looking for guinea pigs and test !
    It would be absolutely amazing to have something working for Star Citizen!


    Hey Alex,

    is there any chance to get your SC-App . I tried it with FreePie, too and have still the Problem with the cursor.



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