Home Forums Software Development Broken UI on calling ETM with –mode=usercalibration

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  • #8086
    Ansh Patel

    As stated in the title, I am attempting to call ETM’s user calibration mode via CMD/Powershell on Windows 10 x64 machine and it doesn’t seem to work, resulting in the broken window broken UI window. Other modes like “trackstatus” and “displayarea” seem to work, it’s just “usercalibration” that is giving the issue. I’m using the X3-120 and the latest version of ETM (1.5.2).
    Any help would be appreciated!

    Thank you in advance!

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @aap2196, The Tobii X3-120 is part of the Tobii Pro Business department.

    This forum is intended for support with the Tobii EyeX and C4 Eye Tracker and associated SDK’s.

    Please kindly get in touch with Tobii Pro Support department directly @ http://www.tobiipro.com/contact/contact-support/ for a
    quick answer to your query.

    Apologies for the inconvenience and best of luck.

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