Home Forums Eye Tracking Devices Eye Tracker 4c Head tracking


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  • #8495
    Austin Tung


    How does the Head Tracking feature on the 4c work? like how does it determine position and rotation?
    Is eye detection necessary for it to work?
    What is the minimum distance/rotation it can detect?


    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @tungtwister, I am afraid the specific details of how the head tracking algorithm is implemented is not something open for public dissemination however I can inform you that the detection of the eyes is not required for successful head tracking.

    Regarding minimum distance/rotation this is not a metric we analyse, however, the values are provided to one tenth of a radian within the Core SDK. I will however try to find out more information on your behalf. If you could describe your motivations, it would be helpful.. thanks!

    Austin Tung


    In response to the questions regarding motivation, I want to create a horror game, that implements
    the use of the eye tracker specifically its head tracking feature, as the monster is able to detect things
    through movement, so I want to implement head movement as a kind of movement that can be detected. I want the player
    to be able to do things like move or close their eyes, but have to keep their head as still as possible, whenever a monster is near. So far I
    have been just testing things involving head tracking, and it would be great to understand what is the minimum amount of movement the eye tracker
    can detect.
    Of course I know that allowing only minimum head movement is impractical, so my questions are mostly out of curiosity for how sensitive is the eye tracker,
    in terms of head movement and rotation.

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @tungtwister, sounds like a super interesting project and thanks for letting us know. Indeed after asking further, we do not have minimum figures of accuracy as for head tracking this very much depends on numerous environmental and user specific conditions which will vary accordingly.

    That being said, if you have checked out some of the head tracking samples as included with the Core SDK you should hopefully find the sensitivity more than adequate for your needs. There will always be some degree of ‘wiggle’ in head tracking even if trying to remain perfectly still, so you should be able to setup a buffer that will qualify as stillness.

    Sorry we cannot provide more specific metrics, but any other questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

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