Home Forums Eye Tracking Devices Eye tracker 5 – Disconnects/freezes computer

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    As the title says, I don’t know when or why it started to happen. My tracker decides to disconnect and in the process of it disconnecting, my whole computer seezes up and freezes for anywhere between 5 seconds to 30 seconds before regaining consciousness and the Eye tracker reconnects.

    It worked perfectly fine when I installed it and it only started happening maybe like… a few weeks ago? I don’t remember doing anything different during that time-frame though.

    Any ideas? 🙂

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @lycanious, sorry to hear about your troubles. Given the nature of your issue, please get in touch directly with Tobii Tech support @ https://help.tobii.com/hc/en-us/requests/new and a member of the team will get back to you to arrange a remote session or collect relevant system files to diagnose and resolve the issue. Many thanks.

    That being said, my first suggestion would be to attempt connection using a different USB port, or via a powered USB hub if possible. Would also be worth ensuring all system drivers and updates are installed, particularly those related to the system USB chipset drivers.

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