Home Forums Software Development Finding Screen Size and units

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    Thomas Sjöholm


    I want to do some cool math, but need the size of the screen in order to do it. I can’t find a way to access the screen size in any way. I think that it should be possible as the Eye Tracker needs to know that in order to do the math to find where on the screen I am looking…

    How do I access screen size?
    Is it possible to find height and width separately?
    What unit is the screen size given in?
    Is the unit received from “EyePositionDataEventParams” on the Left/Right-Eye-X/Y/Z millimeters?

    BTW, documentation á la
    is very much requested 🙂

    Robert [Tobii]

    Hi Thomas,

    I recall that you are working with Unity. In that case you can use Screen.currentResolution to get the screen size in pixels.

    The EyePositionData is indeed in millimeters, with the origin in the center of the screen, Z axis facing outwards.

    Thank you for your feedback regarding API docs. We have thought about using Doxygen or some other tool to auto-generate the docs from the C API header files, but have not prioritized it yet. Add it as a Feature Request and we’ll see how many others who want it urgently.

    Thomas Sjöholm

    It is correct that I currently work in Unity. What I actually want is the real world size of the screen. It should be accessible as the ET needs it in order to know where the screen is.

    Thomas Sjöholm

    It appears that I only need the (real world) width of the screen (preferably in millimeters) for my current purpose. Is it possible to access in any way?

    Robert [Tobii]

    Hi Thomas,

    I was not sure this value was exposed through the API, but there is a way (although a bit cumbersome)

    1) In the EyeXHost class, add a connection changed listener (to make sure you are connected). In there, call GetSettingsAsync method on the Interaction Context:

                _context.ConnectionStateChanged += (sender, e) => 
                    if (e.State == ConnectionState.Connected)
                        _context.GetSettingsAsync(SettingsPaths.EyeTracking, OnDisplaySizeSettingEvent);

    2) Use this code to extract the width and height in millimeters

        private void OnDisplaySizeSettingEvent(SettingsBag settings)
            Size2 displaySize;       
            PropertyBag data = (PropertyBag)settings.Data;
            InteractionProperty eyetrackingProperty;
            data.TryGetProperty(SettingsPaths.EyeTracking, out eyetrackingProperty);
            InteractionProperty displaySizeProperty;
            ((PropertyBag)eyetrackingProperty.Value).TryGetProperty(SettingsPaths.DisplaySize, out displaySizeProperty);
            displaySize = (Size2)displaySizeProperty.GetValueAs(typeof(Size2));
            print("Display size: " + displaySize.Width + " x " + displaySize.Height + " mm");

    Not the easiest way as I said, but it works for me

    Thomas Sjöholm

    Forgot to say thanks! Just what I wanted 🙂

    Robert [Tobii]

    Update: If you are using the latest Unity SDK package (version 0.14 or later), you only need these lines in OnDisplaySizeSettingEvent

        private void OnDisplaySizeSettingEvent(SettingsBag settings)
            Size2 displaySize;       
            settings.TryGetSettingValue(out displaySize, SettingsPaths.EyeTracking, SettingsPaths.DisplaySize);
            print("Display size: " + displaySize.Width + " x " + displaySize.Height + " mm");
    Jason Walker

    @Robert [Tobii]

    Are these examples still valid for the latest sdk ( tobii 4C) ideally i would like to know pixel size of calibrated display that the 4c is working with ….


    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @jaymonkey, the samples should still work fine with the latest SDK.. did you have some issues running the samples yourself?

    Jason Walker

    I have all the samples included in the SDK building and running fine (both x86 & x64) i’ve got my middle ware running great but im currently getting screen resolution via two keys from a .ini file … these two keys are the x and y dimensions (in pixels) of the screen that the 4C is being used with … was just wondering if there is a function in the SDK that will do this … the examples in this thread return the dimensions in mm ??? so is there similar for pixels … ??

    if so any chance you could post a quick example ??


    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi Jason, it seems like Unity exposes Screen size in their own API

    public static int width;

    As specified in their online documentation, did you manage to find this already?
    Thanks for the update.

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