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  • #21651
    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @jrgordon, sorry I think we may have mixed up the messages from another thread. Regardless, the development team do confirm not to use more than 30 G20M objects.

    This product is free, and still in the production stage so I’m afraid we cannot currently allocate additional support at this time.

    Should you require a supported and professional VR solution with eye-tracking, then we would recommend you consider looking at Tobii Ocumen @ https://vr.tobii.com/sdk/solutions/tobii-ocumen/

    Joel Wittig

    Hey all,
    i still feel that there is missing a clear statement about what that message really means. I am currently facing the same issue.
    My unity3D console gets filled with those warnings:
    “G2OM was initialized with a capacity of 30, but was supplied with 32. Purging overflowing elements.”
    Is it just related to the gaze stabilization G20M provides or does the message mean that object 31 to 9999 that utilizes the IGazeFocusable Interface will not call GazeFocusChanged(bool hasFocus) properly?
    Kind regards,

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @jwittig, there is a limit of 30 objects within G20M so this error message is generated if you go over this limit. Hopefully, this clarifies the situation.

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