Home Forums Software Development Gaze aware problem

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    I got some issues with a WPF program which implies gaze awareness property. One time I try to display an user control and gaze awareness is working fine, but when i try to display an other one (no difference between them), I lose gaze awareness on this new user control. I have searched everywhere for solutions, but i can’t figure out.

    Here is the .zip of the project : https://www.zipshare.com/download/eyJhcmNoaXZlSWQiOiI0OGU2N2EzZi04YmMwLTQxOWQtOGE5Ni0xZTVkOGFmYTNmZWMifQ==

    Thank you in advance 🙂

    Eddie [Tobii]

    Hi Yagoub,

    Sorry for the late reply. Unfortunately the link to your project doesn’t work any longer, but I have in the recent days discovered a bug in the SDK which I suspect causes the behavior you describe. In short, the gaze aware behavior is dropped when a user control is hidden then shown again. We have a fix for it and it will be included in the next SDK release.

    The only workaround I have found is to create a new UserControl object each time you want to display it.

    Best regards,

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