Home Forums XR Discussions How to get gaze direction in degree

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  • #23052

    Hi, I want to get gaze direction in a degree unit. As SRanipal Unity SDK describes, we can get gaze_direction_normalized that is “Vector3 ViveSR.anipal.Eye.SingleEyeData.gaze_direction_normalized” with a description of “The normalized gaze direction of the eye in [0,1]. (right-handed coordinate system)”

    But I want to get the value in a range of (0–90 or 0–180 degrees or radian), could someone tell me the best solution for converting gaze_direction_normalized into a degree-based value?

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi toshi, did you already try posting this on the SRanipal Forum? As this is related to their SDK, it would seem the best place to ask.

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