Home Forums XR Discussions how to modify the default distance to track gaze position in unity

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  • #12420

    While using the XR SDK for vive pro eye, the default setting of distance for tracking is not able to catch the far object. Picture from unity is here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wkUdXSn6R70uldJvXuj3E60bw6vHMv-E/view?usp=sharing
    As the picture shows, the green lines are from eye-tracker to catch the object, but when try to catch the object further than the lines, I cannot get the gaze information. In the pic, I try to find when the user is looking at the tower (yellow top). So I wonder if there is a way to extend the tracking distance and how could I do that? Many thanks.

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @liujiagogogo, thanks for your query. I am afraid that for the time being, the distance of the rays are not customizable for the user, and so accordingly you will have to scale down the scene to achieve this.

    Apologies for any inconvenience, however, we have forwarded your request to the development team for consideration in a future release. Best Wishes.

    Asema Hassan

    @Grant can you please mention what is the default distance value used inside the Tobii XR SDK?

    Grant [Tobii]

    Hi @asemahassan and thanks for your query. The distance of the rays are 100 (m in Unity) and are not customizable for users however these are just debugging rays and are for visual representation and not necessarily for the actual object detection length. The limit to what Tobii G2OM can detect is set to “float.MaxValue” which is more or less infinite in a Unity scene.

    Please do let us know if we can provide any further information. Best Wishes.

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